Sunday, November 4, 2012

Living with LBS

I will not lie.  Living with someone with LBS is hard, but having LBS is harder.  For Nan it's not about cheating and eating unhealthy foods.  No, she has a lot of self-control in that area.  For her it's about eating only healthy, organic food-- and she wants it to taste good as well.  Since I like to cook so that's not the hard part either.  What's difficult for  Nan is getting enough food, enough of the good proteins and carbs.

Otherwise she lives in a perpetual state of hypoglycemia.  I can always tell.  Her eyes get glazed and she starts to complain and all of a sudden a perfectly sunny, happy day turns dark and cloudy--in her mind and body.

 So the trick is to eat three good sized meals a day and three or more snacks.  The snacks need to be protein and carb.  One of her favorites is almond milk and a gf muffin or an apple with a scoop of almond butter.  And it's vital to always have a snack or two with you when you leave home. Essential.

 LBS goes wherever you go.

Always Hoping for the Sun

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